ARM Tool: Scheduling and Compliance

06 September 2019
ariel image of a person cleaning the floor at the bottom of a stairway.
ARM is an asset regime management tool for facilities management


Combining Amey’s expertise in Facility Management and Amey Consulting’s modelling capability, the Asset Regime Management (ARM) Tool has been developed to swiftly mobilise Facility Management contracts by defining custom maintenance standards, regimes and maintenance schedules. Users can review asset data, maintenance regimes, industry standards and resource requirement in the tool.

The two key elements behind the ARM Tool are the Amey Common Language (ACL), which is a standardised asset hierarchy, and SFG20/AMEYB standard maintenance specification. They play a key role in defining assets and their respective maintenance regimes. The ACL and AMEYB maintenance regimes are maintained by Amey and SFG20 is an industry standard for planned maintenance.


  • Cost savings of over 10% for each contract mobilisation on average
  • Establishing a solid foundation to use the Amey Common Language across all Amey FM contracts
  • Providing visibility over FM process and definition
  • Allowing rapid mobilisation
  • Enabling complex regime configuration to fit custom Service Agreement requirements