Streets Ahead Celebrates its First Year with Miles of Road Improvements

22 August 2013
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Seventy five miles of road and 110 miles of pavement – enough to reach from Sheffield to Bristol - have been resurfaced in the first year of Amey’s Streets Ahead highways project in Sheffield.

Amey, who deliver the work on behalf of Sheffield City Council, have also replaced 4,000 old street lights with new energy efficient LED lights as the transformation of the city’s roads gathers pace.

Improvement works have now been completed in Bradfield, Ewden, Effingham, Carbrook and Shiregreen and work is on-going across the city in a number of areas including Tinsley, Hackenthorpe, Totley, Burngreave, Wybourn, The Manor and Millhouses.

Meadowhead, Woodseats, Beauchief and Hutcliffe Wood will all see work starting in September.

Amey is also responsible for delivering on-going maintenance which includes street cleaning, winter gritting and keeping roadside drains clear.

Key achievements during the first year of Streets Ahead include:

  • Resurfaced roads and pavements: 185 miles
  • Street light upgrades: 4,000
  • Energy saved from new street lights: 40%
  • Street cleaning litter collected: 75 tonnes per week – the equivalent weight of nine double decker buses
  • Grass cutting: more than 2.8 million square metres of grass verges maintained each year – amount of grass cut equivalent to around 4,500 football pitches
  • Roadside drainage gullies cleaned: 63,500
  • Distance travelled by city gritters last winter: Equivalent of five times around the world.

Cllr Julie Dore, Leader of Sheffield City Council said: “Streets Ahead is progressing really well and we are starting to make the difference we all hoped for – better lighting, smoother roads and an improved environment. The project is on programme and budget and will be great for Sheffield.”

Cllr Jack Scott, Sheffield City Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Recycling and Street Scene, added: “We are really excited about bringing our roads up from some of the worst to some of the best in the country. This is a huge project and it has led to the creation of around 500 new jobs with Amey and their local suppliers.”

Chris Morris, Operation Director at Amey said: “The work is really ramping up now and will continue at this rate for the next four years. We expect to be re-surfacing about a mile of road a day during peak periods in the summer months.

“Inevitably, there will be some disruption with this amount of work but we’re working hard to keep this to a minimum and want to thank everyone for their patience while the work is being carried out.”

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