Wildflower verge at Colchester Barracks blooms in time for the Jubilee

02 June 2022
Wooden bee steak in front of wild flowers.
Last September, Amey Project Manager, Jennifer Monaghan, and DIO’s Housing Estate Manager, Tina Denmark, worked together to transform an unloved and damaged grass verge within Colchester Garrison, into a treasured wildflower bed.

A team of volunteers from Amey, the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and the local council, helped with the seeding and final finish of the verge and invited local school children to visit. The children visited in groups of six, and each one was provided with a cup of seeds to sow.

We’re delighted that since the planting took place, the flowers have grown and the verge is now a beautiful mix of red, white, and blue flowers, just in time for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The local school children have been back for a visit and were delighted to see how much the verge has blossomed over the last eight months

Sergeant Woods, and his team, L/Cpl Moss and Cpl Hewitt, created some beautiful metal artwork, lovely bees, butterflies, poppies, and silhouettes of children with nets that were placed on the verge for all to enjoy.

Jennifer said: “We’re working on a plan to transform another area on a local estate as our verge has been really well received and was featured on local eco pages and councillors’ updates. We’re really pleased to have brightened up the estate