
18 March 2021
Image of planes at Heathrow airport, south runway.
Our Strategic Consulting team has been working with Heathrow Airport to construct an asset management system to improve strategic planning and optimise the management of Heathrow Rail assets.

Heathrow’s masterplan will increase passenger capacity from 70 million to 130 million by 2040. This will significantly increase demand for rail access to the airport.

Committed projects such as the Heathrow Crossrail connection, and pipeline projects such a Western Rail access (connection to Reading) and HS2 will improve the capacity and accessibility of the airport. However, these projects will present new challenges.

Our contribution

  • Engaging stakeholders to understand the impact of Heathrow’s masterplan on the rail network
  • Providing strategic insight and outlining strategic objectives for each asset system
  • Formulating an asset hierarchy for all rail and stations assets within the HAL estate
  • Modelling CAPEX, OPEX and TOTEX for all station and rail infrastructure
  • Conducting cost, risk, and performance analyses for each asset system
  • Compiling Asset System Strategies and Asset Management Plans


The project has prepared the Heathrow Rail team for the future development of the railway network. The project team have integrated the framework of the asset system in the form of asset system strategies and plans. This given the Rail team a greater understanding of whole-lifecycle costs, operational and strategic risks, and asset performance.