New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority EAM Roadmap

14 November 2019
Image of a train at a platform.
Development of Enterprise Asset Management improvement roadmaps enabled the validation of a robust program to meet high-level business objectives.


The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) was challenged with communicating their Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) improvement plan to stakeholders at all levels; highlighting the benefits and making a case for acquiring the necessary funding to implement their plans for the upcoming Capital Planning Horizon.


Our approach started with an initial fact-finding period, involving key client engagement and independent research into planned activities and challenges, creating a baseline for the existing
EAM program. Opportunities were then identified and discussed at workshops with key stakeholders across the MTA and through collaboration found a fit-for-purpose EAM program approach for each agency.

As a solution, Amey Strategic Consulting developed EAM improvement roadmaps to easily communicate MTA's asset management program for each agency. Supporting documents were also provided, including a detailed narrative on each agency's asset management history, current challenges and potential solutions and a visualisation of the line of sight, clarifying how the improvement activities contributed to corporate objectives.


The completed agency roadmaps displayed a clearly defined and feasible plan outlining key initiatives, outcomes and benefits for a 5-year capital planning horizon. These were presented in an easily digestible format, supported by simple language explaining technical concepts, ensuring accessibility for all audiences. The tool allowed a strong case for funding to implement planned improvements and meet business objectives.