Local team donates over 240 hours of community support to Camden Charity

16 September 2014

Local company Amey, which delivers facilities management and environmental services across London, has donated over 240 hours of community support to help refurbish Sidings Community Centre in Camden.

A group of over 30 enthusiastic employees spent a week redecorating and refurbishing areas of the centre, with a focus on the crèche and childcare facilities- making it a much brighter and welcoming environment for the public.

From office managers to engineers, the team embraced the chance to support the local community and chose the Sidings Community Centre as they felt they could put their skills to good use.

Speaking about the refurbishment works Sue Measures, Centre Manager from Siding’s Community Centre, “The team from Amey were fantastic. In just one week, they completely transformed parts of our premises which had not been decorated since 2005. In particular, they decorated our crèche and childcare facilities, giving them a fresh “new look” for parents and children.

“The team were all enthusiastic, helpful, motivated and very professional which helped achieve so much in a short space of time.”

Talking about the project, Ben Tobitt, Supervisor at Amey, “The charity project at Siding’s Community Centre has been enjoyable and rewarding to all of us that have been involved.

“Each day of the week, I saw a new group of staff bringing their own skills and expertise together, taking on above and beyond our original targets for the project. I am already looking forward to next year!”

At Amey all employees are given one paid day of leave a year to support a local charity of their choice. As an organisation we are committed to working with and supporting the communities we serve through targeted regeneration activities.

Amey delivers services to a variety of local authorities across London including the Tri-borough partnership, which sees Amey deliver Facilities Management services to Westminster City Council, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. We also provide waste collection, street cleansing and commercial waste services on behalf of the City of London.